Latest Edition of Arkadagly Ýaşlar Magazine Released

Turkmenistan State News

The seventh issue of Arkadagly Ýaşlar e-Magazine, published by Magtymguly Youth Organisation of Turkmenistan, is now available. This edition of the magazine, which has been popular with readers since its first issue, contains information about the fate, journey and accomplishments of Turkmen youth in the era of the Rejuvenation of the powerful state.

The cover stories of the magazine are dedicated to Arkadag City, the first smart city in Turkmenistan, the first phase of which was completed on June 29, 2023. The editorial article «Ýaşlar öz şäherini dünýä çykarydar» discusses the TV channel, newspaper and football club founded in Arkadag City.

Magtymguly Youth Organisation of Turkmenistan organized a tour for a group of young people from the creative intelligentsia to the city as part of the opening ceremony of the first stage of construction of Arkadag City. The participants shared their impressions of the visit to this unique city in the article «Arkadag şäheri – Ýaşlaryň ylham joşguny».

An article in Russian informs readers about the sports infrastructure of Arkadag City.

The article «Taryhy döwriň tarypa mynasyp eserleri» is devoted to the wonderful books «Arkadag şäheri ― geljegiň şäheri» and «Ömürmiň manysynyň dowamaty».

A series of articles highlights the research activities of young scientists; the articles also discuss the software Tiz bellik and effective studies aimed at improving the quality of mobile networks in large cities.

The article «Arkadag» – sebitde iň netijeli topar» is about the Arkadag football team. The information presented in this article shows that Arkadag is the most successful team in this year’s football tournaments in Central Asia.

As usual, the magazine offers its readers materials on the role of families in the upbringing of children. There is no doubt that the article «Türkmen sungatynyň parlak ýyldyzlary» about the life and work of the Hero of Turkmenistan, People’s Artist of Turkmenistan Maya Kulieva will be of particular interest to the young audience.

The magazine presents the results of the creative contests announced by Magtymguly Youth Organisation of Turkmenistan.

One of the articles in English deals with the health topics – neck ligaments.

A photo collage of Arkadag City decorates the issue.

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