Azerbaijan: Examining the Implementation of the Action Plan in the Energy Sector

UZA News

A joint working group of the Ministries of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan met in Tashkent.

The working group was established in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding signed by the President of Azerbaijan during his visit to Uzbekistan in June 2022. At the meeting, the progress of implementing the Action Plan signed in August 2022 was discussed. This Action Plan includes establishing projects based on renewable energy sources and PPP, energy efficiency, electric and thermal energy production, exploration in investment blocks, petrochemicals, localization of production, institutional reforms, and exchange of experience in personnel training.

The participants were pleased with the progress made in the implementation of the Action Plan and agreed to create a new Action Plan which will be signed during the expected visit of the Republic of Azerbaijan at the end of August. In addition, the meeting attendees discussed draft documents on an intergovernmental agreement developed by the ministries of energy of the two countries and agreements between Uzbekneftegaz and SOCAR companies.

N. Ziyodullayeva, UzA

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