The latest edition of the magazine “Arkadagly Ýaşlar” for 2024 has been delivered to readers

Turkmenistan State News

The final issue of the digital magazine “Arkadagly Ýaşlar” published by the Central Council of the Youth Organization of Turkmenistan named after Magtymguly has reached its readers. The impressive speeches in this issue serve as a fitting conclusion to the remarkable year.

The new edition of this publication, which has celebrated its second anniversary and has been published 24 times in two years, begins with an article titled “Hakyda göwheri” – Arkadagly ýaşlaryň watançylyk mekdebi”, a worthy response to the new book by our Hero Arkadag, “Hakyda göwheri”.

The author of the article “Hoşniýetli hyzmatdaşlygyň belent sepgitleri” discusses the importance of our permanent Neutrality. This issue also includes news about the winners of the creative contest organized by this publication.

As we approach the New Year, many of our compatriots have been awarded the anniversary medal “In Commemoration of the 300th Anniversary of the Birth of Magtymguly Pyragy”. Among them are employees of the Central, regional, and district Gengeshes of the Youth Organization of Turkmenistan named after Magtymguly. This issue shares the heartfelt words of two of our compatriots who have received the jubilee medals.

The article “Hoş owazly zehinleriň bäsleşigi” is dedicated to the results of the “Ýylyň parlak ýyldyzy” competition. In “Parlamentara dialog ― netijeli hyzmatdaşlygyň möhüm ugry”, a representative from our national parliament reviews the outcomes of the conference “Parliamentary Diplomacy within the OSCE Framework: Dialogue – a Tool for Establishing Cooperation for a Prosperous and Peaceful Future” held in the capital during the transition from autumn to winter.

Continuing the tradition throughout the year, this issue also includes speeches dedicated to Magtymguly Pyragy and his great legacy.

Readers can also find an article about the winners of the “Ýaş robototehnikaçy” competition among students in grades 7-12 of secondary schools in our country. Additionally, the series “Ýaşlar ylym dünýäsinde” continues with an article about the results of scientific research conducted by two more talented young scientists who won the scientific research competition for the youth of our country.

In the work “Türkmeniň döwletlilik ýörelgesi”, which is shared in the following pages, the articles and speeches titled “About the Seljuk Vizier Nyzamylmulk”, “Häsiýet”, and “Özüni tanan weli” are significant for their historical richness and important topics.

This issue also features interesting articles about the health benefits of yoga, New Year’s Eve, the Year of the Snake, and several new poems. An article about the unique ways of celebrating New Year in different countries can also expand your knowledge.

As usual, information is also provided about the winner of the “Ýaş waspçy” competition.

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