Construction has started on the recreational area “Sohil Boʻyi”

UZA News

A plan has been developed to build a one-kilometer-long recreational area called “Sohil Boʻyi” in Saidkent mahalla, Gijduvan district, Bukhara region. This project aims to provide the local population with opportunities for leisure activities, such as building restaurants and organizing seasonal boat rides. Large-scale construction work has already begun on this project, which will serve as a landmark for the Bukhara region and will receive a budget of 12 billion UZS. The project will also create jobs and offer business opportunities through the “E-auksion” platform. The recreational area will have pedestrian paths, green areas, and night lighting, as well as a protective barrier along the coastline. It is expected to generate 500 million UZS in revenue for the local budget and provide a variety of services and entertainment for visitors. The project is set to be fully launched in the second half of this year. Zarif Komilov, UzA.

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